Moniteau County Missouri
Cofer Family Cemetery listings
In an article reprinted from the 1889 "History of Moniteau . . . Counties, Missouri, the Recordings of Linn Township Cemeteries states:
George W Cofer is a son of Joseph H and Lucinda (Sammons) Cofer and was born in Stokes County, North Carolina, in 1843.
Joseph H Cofer was born in 1844, immigrated to Missouri, overland, where he located in Moniteau County, remaining about three years; the family then returned to North Carolina, and one year later again went to Moniteau County. Several years after this time, they went by water to Galveston, Texas, where they remained only about six months, and went back to Moniteau County, overland, where they have since lived. While in North Carolina, Joseph H Cofer was mustered as a soldier and stood in readiness for duty several years. He is now an active worker in the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, of which he has been a member for many years. He is a Democrat in politics. Eight children were born to the parents of our subject, viz James H, John F (deceased), Calista D, wife of Francis Roy; Louisa S, wife of D Hilderbrand; Louisa J, wife of J Hilderbrand; Nancy T, wife of Frank Fischer; William M and George W. The mother of this family was born in 1814.
George W Cofer was reared on a farm and received but limited educational advantages. At the age of twenty-one, he commenced farming for himself in Linn Township, and has been very successful. He owns a good farm near Jamestown, which is well under cultivation, and upon which he has erected good buildings. December 13, 1867 he married Susan A Martin, who was born in Johnson County, Mo. and is the daughter of Nathaniel and Sarah Martin. Eleven children have been born to this union, viz: Robert Lee, Mary Belle, wife of B Dearing; Joseph N, Lilly F, infant (deceased), James W, Cora J, George Elbert, John Cleveland, Roy M, and Warren. Mr and Mrs Cofer are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, and Mr Cofer is interested in giving his children a good schooling.
Located east of Jamestown in Township 46, Range 14, Section 4.
All photos and photos linked to from this page are Copyright © 1997- Alan Sparks -, All Rights Reserved.
Please do not use them on other websites (including Find-a-grave) without permission.
Directions to cemetery: From Jamestown, travel east on Hwy 179. The cemetery is less than a mile east of town on the north side of the highway. The sign above is on an old dead tree in the fence row directly out (towards the highway) from the cemetery. The cemetery is approximately 100-150 yards from the highway.
Located here: 38.763445,-92.451444
* = Calculated Date based on age; d/o = daughter of; s/o = son of; w/o = wife of; m = married
= Click for picture
= Click for
death certificate
Last Name, First Name, Middle, Birth Date, Death Date, Comments
Cofer George W -- 1843 Oct 02 - 1924 Apr 20 -- s/o Joseph & Lucinda Cofer
Cofer Infant Son -- 1877 Feb 16 - 1877 Feb 22 -- s/o G W & S A Cofer
-- Pic 1:
Pic 2:
Pic 3:
Cofer John P -- 1836 Sep 06 - 1858 Jul 17 -- s/o Joseph & Lucinda Cofer
Cofer Joseph H W -- 1806 Dec 12 - 1889 May 12
Cofer Lucinda S -- 1814 Sep 19 - 1890 Feb 20 -- Pic 1:
Pic 2:
Cofer Susan A -- 1851 Mar 10 - 1899 Dec 18 -- Pic 1:
Pic 2:
Cofer Warren Martin -- 1888 Oct 21 - 1899 Aug 21 -- s/o G W & S A Cofer
-- Pic 1:
Pic 2:
Eaton Lucretia -- 1800
Dec 14 - 1855 Sep 02 -- w/o William Eaton -- Pic 1:
Pic 2:
-- 1833 Aug 09
- 1911 Sep 30
-- d/o Joseph & Lucinda Cofer -- Info from
death certificate
Robinson John S -- 1849 Dec * - 1866 Aug 20 -- Aged 16y 8m 10d -- s/o O F & M M Robinson
-- Pic 1:
Pic 2:
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Last modified:
October 26, 2014