Chevrolet Agencies/Dealerships in Tipton
Est. by August 1919 when Stanley Carpenter sold to Gene Bowman
December 1921 Bowman sold to Lem Thomas
September 1, 1923 Bill Martin owned Chevrolet garage
By January 1926 Lawrence Herrnleben had agency
November 1926 E. F. Eberhart had agency
January 1931 Eberhart sold to E. L. Ferguson
By January 1933 Ferguson sold to Will J. Schmidt
October 1937 Schmidt sold to C. O. Putnam & Paul Gabert
September 1967 Putnam & Gabert sold to Okal & Richard Embry
December 1989 Embry sold to Richard Spieler
June 1991 Spieler sold to Greg & Ben Hainen
From the August 8, 1919 Tipton Times:
Stanley Carpenter has sold his garage equipment to G. M. Bo[w]man, of California, who will take charge of the business here next Monday, operating it as a Chevrolet service station. Stanley will sell Pennsylvania tires out of St Louis, to which city he will move in a short time.
From the December 30, 1921 Tipton Times:
Gene Bowman Sells Out
Gene Bowman, who has been in charge of the Bowman Motor Company in Tipton for almost two years, having this territory in which to sell the Chevrolet car, disposed of his interests here Monday to Mr. Lem Thomas, who recently came from Fortuna to Tipton to engage in the garage business and to promote the sale of the Dodge car, of which he is agent in this territory.
Gene, as he is familiarly called, is an affable and courteous gentleman, which won for him a good business during his stay in Tipton and where he has made many warm friends who regret to lose him as a citizen but who wish him well wherever his lot may be cast.
From the August 3, 1923 Tipton Times:
Chevrolet Dealer in Town
Mr. J. W. Pope, the Chevrolet dealer in Moniteau County, with headquarters in California, was a business visitor in Tipton Tuesday in the interest of this excellent car, and while here secured space in The Times in which to advertise it to Times readers.
Mr. Pope will gladly give a demonstration of the car to anyone who is in the market for a car. Call or write him at California.
From the August 17, 1923 Tipton Times:
William G. Martin is having constructed in the Larimore building on East Main street an up-to-date garage, which will be ready for occupancy September 1st.
Mr. Martin will not only engage in auto repair work but he has the agency for the Chevrolet automobile, under J. W. Pope, of California. "Bill" Martin is a good mechanic and he is representing a good automobile.
From the January 15, 1926 Tipton Times:
Sold Chevrolet Truck
Lawrence Herrnleben, Chevrolet dealer, sold to Cap Boenm if the Highway Department, a Chevrolet truck the past week.
From the May 7, 1926 Tipton Times:
Chevrolet Agency
Lawrence Herrnleben, the proprietor of the Motor-Inn Garage, has taken over the Chevrolet Agency in Tipton under J. W. Pope, of California. Lawrence will have the very latest models of these cars on the floor at all times and will also service them, carrying a complete stock of accessories.
From the November 5, 1926 Tipton Times:
Have Located Here
Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Eberhart and three children, of Fortuna, together with Mrs. Eberhart's mother, Mrs. Mary Burger, removed from their home in Fortuna to Tipton the past week and have occupied the residence property in East Tipton known as the Jerry Stinger place. Mr. Eberhart who comes to Tipton highly recommended, has accepted the Chevrolet agency and will open in the building occupied by the J. L. Thomas Garage when Mr. Thomas opens his fine residence garage in south Tipton.
Mr. Eberhart has as his chief mechanic a cousin, O. E. Eberhart, of Russellville, who also comes to our city well recommended, having served as Sergeant Mechanic in the World War where he had under his personal supervision 24 tractors, 52 truck, 6 automobiles and 3 motorcycles. He and his wife will occupy the Mollie L. Hays residence property on West Morgan street, recently vacated by Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Brandt Jr., who, the past week, moved into the Lillie Fletcher home on Ohio street.
From the March 1, 1929 Tipton Times:
Delivers New Chevrolets
The local Chevrolet dealer, E. F. Eberhart, reports the delivery of a new Chevrolet coach to E. L. Graves, of Pleasant Green and a new four-door sedan to G. E. Sperber, Cotton.
From the January 9, 1931 Tipton Times:
Transferred To California Agency
E. F. Eberhart, local Chevrolet dealer, has been named as the agent for Chevrolet cars and trucks in California and is this week moving to that place, where he plans to open in business on Saturday, January 17th, after making some adjustments and repairs on what is known as the J. W. Pope building, where he will be located.
Mr. and Mrs. Eberhart and family moved to Tipton four years ago, conducting a garage here during that length of time and their many friends wish them much success in their new location.
E. L. Ferguson will success Mr. Eberhart as local Chevrolet dealer.
From the January 16, 1931 Tipton Times:
Moving Into New Quarters
A page advertisement is carried in this issue of The Times by E. L. Ferguson, of Ferguson's Radio and Electric Store, who is this week moving into new quarters in what is known as the Motor-Inn Garage on Osage Avenue recently vacated by E. F. Eberhart, who has been appointed Chevrolet dealer for California.
Mr. Ferguson, who has operated his place of business in the Dick Garage on Main street for the past several months, has accepted the Tipton agency for Chevrolet cars and trucks succeeding Mr. Eberhart.
Mr. Ferguson will also continue to sell and service radios as well as a complete line of automobile accessories and everything pertaining to garage work.
From the April 24, 1931 Tipton Times:
A Tipton Visitor
E. F. Eberhart, the Chevrolet dealer in California, was a brief Tipton visitor Wednesday. He reports a good business in his line.
Mr. Eberhart was the Chevrolet dealer in Tipton prior to locating in California several months ago, being succeeded here by Mr. E. L. Ferguson, the present dealer. While here Mr. Eberhart remembered The Times with a pleasant and substantial call.
From the January 6, 1933 Tipton Times:
Delivers First Of New Model Cars
The first of the new 1933 model Chevrolet car was delivered by Will J. Schmidt, local Chevrolet dealer and garage owner, the first of the week, when Winson Kehr, of Eldon, purchased the new Chevrolet coach Mr. Schmidt had on display in the showrooms of his Motor-Inn Garage. Mr. Schmidt expects to receive another of the new Chevrolets this week.
From the November 16, 1934 Tipton Times:
W. J. Schmidt Buys Property
Will J. Schmidt, local agent for the Chevrolet automobile, has made a purchase fronting on 50 highway, near the junction in the south part of town. Mr. Schmidt bought an irregular shaped piece of ground on the north side of 50 highway belonging to the Joe Heinen estate just west of the roadway which leads south from town to the highway. There is about an acre and a half in the tract, and there stands on the lot a one-story frame house.
The site is an ideal spot for an up-to-date filling station and a few tourist cottages, as it occupies a commanding spot, where there are many cars passing day and night, where many automobiles turn south for the Lake of the Ozarks.
From the October 22, 1937 Tipton Times:
Tipton Business Firm Changes Hands
Will J. Schmidt Sell Motor-Inn Garage to C. O. Putnam and Paul H. Gabert
A change in one of Tipton's business firms was made this week when C. O. Putnam of Jamestown and Paul H. Gabert of California became the owners of the Motor-Inn Garage which they purchased from Will J. Schmidt. The new owners, who took charge Monday have also been appointed as Chevrolet dealers for this territory. Mr. Schmidt having held this dealership.
Mr. and Mrs. Schmidt have been actively engaged in the garage and car selling business for the past 24 years.
The new firm will be known as the Putnam-Gabert Chevrolet Company and will be under the management of Mr. Gabert since Mr. Putnam will continue to reside in Jamestown where he has been in the garage business the past 14 years and during the last 10 years of which he has held the Chevrolet agency.
Mr. Gabert has been connected with the Producers Exchange No 148 of California for nine years and during the last four years of that time he has managed the company branch at Jamestown. He is a son of Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Gabert of California, the father having formerly served as Collector of Moniteau County.
Mr. Schmidt will continue to remain with the new firm lending his assistance in acquainting the new owners with the public and other details in connection with the Tipton business.
Andy Hainen will continue in his position as head of the mechanical department of the garage.
From the September 15, 1967 Tipton Times:
Putnam-Gabert Chevrolet Company Is Sold
Nearly 30 years ago, on Oct. 18, 1937, Paul H. Gabert began as a Tipton Chevrolet dealer and garageman having purchased the business from Will J. Schmidt.
Now the dealership is in new hands, Okal Embry and Richard L. (Dick) Embry, brothers, buying Gabert's interest.
Gabert through the years has had a partner, C. O. Putnam of California, who has been more or less silent as to the management of the Tipton branch of the concern.
Gabert in 1945 bought 120x200 feet of land from Karl Kiesling on which the main building of the Putnam-Gabert Co. was erected in 1946 and an added 200x46 feet of land was bought in 1949 on which was constructed a body shop and storage sheds. Last year a carport was erected on the company's used car lot.
Gabert's wife is the former Mrs. Broox Rains the couple having been married in 1939. There is one son in the family, Donald Rains, he and his wife being the parents of four children. They live in Gallatin.
The new owners are well versed in the automobile business. Okal has been with Chevrolet agencies in Kansas City and Richard with a machinery company in Boonville and he is just home from a trip to Old Mexico accorded by that firm.
Okal was married to the former Miss Mildred Hofstetter in 1940 and a year later Richard and the former Miss Johnnie Morris were married.
There are two children in Okal's family, a daughter, Mrs. Richard (Donna) Anderson of Grand Forks, N. Dak., and a son, Dwight Embry, of Lee's Summit.
There are also two children in the family of Richard, a daughter, Mrs. Lloyd (Pamela) Bishop of Warrensburg, and a son, Rickie, at home.
The Richard Embry's live in the Quigley Heights Addition and the Okal Embry's are residing in a Herman Knipp home on East Morgan street.
Paul Gabert has been a success in the car agency business. He and Mrs. Gabert are among Tipton's finest citizens all of whom wish them the best in the future in their rest and relaxation plans.
The Brothers Embry and their families are accorded a hearty welcome into the life of Tipton and they have sincere well-wishes from all for a long and prosperous business career.
From the December 14, 1989 Tipton Times:
A new business in downtown Tipton is Spieler Chevrolet, Inc., formerly Embry Chevrolet.
In 1967, Okal and the late Dick Embry purchased the Chevrolet dealership from Paul Gabert and C. O. Putnam. The Spielers of California recently bought the business from the Embrys.
The Spielers also own and operate Spieler's, Inc. in California where they carry the Chrysler line of vehicles, a business they have had the past 21 years.
From the June 20, 1991 Tipton Times:
Spieler Chevrolet Closes its Door
Spieler Chevrolet, Inc., officially closed their doors Friday and auctioned off most of what was left Saturday after almost a year and a half in business.
Dick Spieler said they decided to leave Tipton after Hainen Buick approached him about purchasing the Chevrolet franchise several months ago.
"We did not put in a full commitment to Tipton and eventually we wanted to move to the highway," Dick said. "We were not disappointed with Tipton, but it became a problem for Kim or I (to spend much time there)."
Dick said the process of changing over the dealership began last February, but it took time for the paperwork to go through. Spieler, Inc., in California will add the Jeep Eagle and GMC Truck line to their existing Dodge, Chrysler and Plymouth lines.
The Spielers bought Embry Chevrolet in December, 1989 from Okal and Dwight Embry located at the coerner of Moniteau and Highway B, Dick said he remembers when Paul Gabert and C. O. Putnam opened the original Chevrolet dealership.
"They had a dance there and the first car I bought was a one-year-old Chevrolet I bought there," Dick said.
Dick said his family roots were planted in Tipton when his family owned the John Deere dealership years ago. The Spielers have owned Spielers, Inc., for over 22 years.
Salesmen Mark Knipp and Ed Garber went to work in California after the move and still work for Spieler's, Inc. Greg and B. A. Hainen now own the Chevrolet franchise locally. Hainen Buick will now be called Hainen Chevrolet-Buick, Inc. and is located on Highway 5 South in Tipton. The Hainens have owned the dealership since 1954.
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