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Moniteau County Ready Mix

(Est. 1964)


From the February 3, 2010 California Democrat:

When asked how long he has been with Moniteau County Ready Mix, Plant Manager Jeff Korte responded "pretty well my whole life." And who could blame him? His father Ben and uncle Walt started the company in 1964 and Korte grew up connected to the concrete business. In 1984 Ben and Walt sold the company and Korte was asked bo be the plant manager which he has done since.


"We produce and deliver concrete for construction jobs," he said. "We pour concrete for houses and sidewalks and any job which includes concrete. A recent job we were part of was the new overpass south of town."


Korte said the biggest change he has seen in the business is the use of new chemicals which can do different things to the concrete.


"As far as timing we can slow it down or speed it up," he added. "Adding additives and hot water enables us to be able to pour concrete year round. We built a new plant and it has been a big change to go along with pouring year round. We can pour concrete in in the truck year round as well where before it was more open. Being able to pour anytime is a big advantage. The trucks run on hydraulics now and the mixer is operated from the cab where before we had to get out to run it."


"I want to see the community grow," he said. "I have seen towns go backward when nothing happens so I hope the community grows with the new highway. With the new plant we have invested a lot of money and would not have done it if we did not have expectations of growth here. So the company feels good about California and being a part of it."

Korte said the company sponsors a baseball and soccer team with the local recreation association. They are also involved with Project Graduation and have donated to many organizations and to the high school. Giving back to the community means a lot for both Korte and Moniteau County Ready Mix.


"It is an opportunity for us to give back," Korte said. "In a small community, everyone is involved in our company in one form or another. Everyone uses concrete whether it is their home or they are supporting projects here in town. Pretty well everyone who pays taxes is involved with our company. Giving and being involved in organizations in town is a way we can give back."


Korte said they look to get back to where they were at before the economy got hit recently. Having a driver with 30 years experience and another who is Korte's cousin and whose father, Walt, was one of the founders, gives Moniteau County Ready Mix plenty of experience.


Moniteau County Ready Mix is located at 810 East Smith Street in California.



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