Moniteau County Historical Society - Click for larger view Moniteau County, Missouri 1867 Moniteau County Courthouse - Click for larger view

Bond Pharmacy

(Est. before 1876)

(Became Houser Drug Company in 1876)

(Became Lehman's Pharmacy in 1950)

(Became Bond Pharmacy in 1989)


From the July 20, 1876 California Democrat:


F. W. Houser recently with Dr. J. J. Russell, has associated himself with G. A. Miller in the Drug business, which is to be carried on under the style of Miller & Houser at the old stand, just north of depot, where he will be glad to meet his friends and customers. They propose to sell as cheap as anybody for cash.


Miller & Houser keep a full supply of pure Drugs, Medicines, &c; also Lubricating Oils, White Lead and Oil, Window glass, &c. All of which will be sold cheap for cash.


From the October  22, 1922 California Democrat:

Anniversary and Opening at Housers


Remodeling of Store and Fifty-sixth Anniversary of Establishing Business. Big Day Wednesday


The F. W. Houser Drug Company are to observe next Wednesday by inviting their friends and the general public to share with them a gala day in honor of the formal opening of their remodeled store, and the 56th anniversary of the business. The work on the store has been completed for some time but the opening has been delayed to make the two events in one. See their announcement on another page of today's paper.


After the death of the father, Dr. F. W. Houser, a year ago last June, it was decided to incorporate and B. F. Houser was chosen as President; Otto Houser, Secretary; and Julius Houser, Treasurer. The business was founded by Dr. Houser in 1876 and operated by him and his sons for 54 years. It is one of the oldest business establishments in California. Otto has been in the store since he was a boy, and Julius has spent most of his time there also, although he was in Colorado a few years and published the California Dispatch for a time. B. F. Houser, the President, is with the Ehrhardt Mercantile Company.


In the remodeling the interior has been entirely changed. It is patterned after the latest in modern drug stores which sell a large list of articles besides. The walls are decorated in light green yellow and orchid with ivory ceiling. There are glass show cases on the north only part of the way up the wall, which are used largely for toilet articles. On the south is the soda fountain, a refrigerator candy case, the news stand and more show cases on the east side. Tables are in the center. the back room is used for prescriptions and medicines. The room is most attractive.


You will enjoy a visit with the Housers Wednesday. Read their announcements for advanced information.



From the October  22, 1936 California Democrat:

In Business Here Fifty Years


Dr. F. W. Houser Holds Record For Continuous Merchandising In California


With the beginning of last month, Dr. F. W. Houser, proprietor of the Houser Drug store, completed  his fiftieth year as a merchant in California. He holds the record for having been in business her continuously longer than any other man. Judge J. W. Fulks ra a store before Doctor Houser started but was out of merchandising for a period at one time since.


Doctor Houser started at his present location in the frame building now occupied by the C. J. Miller Jewelry store. At that time the building faced the south with the west wall along Oak street. In 1883 the frame building was moved in the position in which it now stands and the brick drug store was erected. Doctor Houser has not only made a success in business but he has always ranked as one of the city's best and most valuable citizens. He has always taken a keen interest in the affairs of the town and has bee secretary for the Lutheran church continuously for 47 years.


Several men now successful in business of their own learned the drug game under Doctor Houser. Among these are George Houser of Desloge, Charles Houser of Joplin, Justice Houser of Tucson, Ariz., L. T. Allee of Sacramento, Calif. and Christopher Gross, Portland, Ore., besides three of Doctor Houser's own sons, two of whom are associated with him in the management of his store while the other conducts a drug store at Tipton.


Doctor Houser came to Moniteau Couonty with his parents when he was 11 years old from Iowa. He attended school in California and later went into the store of the late J. G. Ehrhardt as clerk - At the age of 20 years he began the study of medicine under the late Dr. J. J. Russell and in 1880 graduated from the Missouri Medical college and immediately began the practice of medicine here, continuing until 1905. In 1880 he united his drug business and practice with that of Doctor Russell, which continued for 3 years when he bought his partner out.


He held the office of county coroner at one time and was also deputy county treasurer for a period.



From the October  22, 1936 California Democrat:

Houser's Sixtieth Anniversary


High Points in History of Local Drug Company Reviewed


The F. W. Houser Drug Company celebrates its sixtieth anniversary this week. Proud of a record of service established through a period longer than the life time of the average individual, the firm stresses the fact that they, in keeping with modern trends, not only carry a very comprehensive stock but readily order anything a customer may want which they do not happen to be carrying.


The store was founded by F. W. Houser, who died in June, 1930. C. J. and Otto, his sons, operated it until the death of the former last May sinch which time the business has been in charge of Otto Houser.


Here is history, taken from the files of the California Democrat of July 20, 1876, under the heading of "New Firm:"


F. W. Houser recently with Dr. J. J. Russell, has associated himself with G. A. Miller in the Drug business, which is to be carried on under the style of Miller & Houser at the old stand, just north of depot, where he will be glad to meet his friends and customers. The propose to sell as cheap as anybody for cash.


Miller & Houser keep a full supply of pure Drugs, Medicines, &c; also Lubricating Oils, White Lead and Oil, Window glass, &c. All of which will be sold cheap for cash."


From this same edition of the "Democrat" it was noticed that Samuel J. Tilden of New York was the Democratic candidate for President and Thos. A. Hendrick of Indiana was the candidate for Vice-President. Hon. S. H. Owens was a candidate for Congress from this district. J. G. Ehrhardt was a candidate for County Treasurer. J. B. Wolfe was in the mercantile business in Jamestown.


Again from the files of the California Democrat in the edition of August 5, 1926 we quote a few excerpts taken from the heading of "F. W. Houser Drug Co. Established July 1876."


"F. W. Houser started in a frame building now occupied by C. J. Miller. At that time the building faced south with the west wall along Oak street. In 1883 the frame building was moved to a position in which is now stands and the brick Drug Store building was erected.


Dr. Houser came to Moniteau County with his parents when he was eleven years old from Iowa. He attended school in California and later went into the store of the late J. G. Ehrhardt as clerk. At the age of twenty years, he began to study medicine under the late Dr. J. J. Russell and in 1880 was graduated from the medical college and immediately began the practice of medicine here, continuing until 1905. In 1880 he united his business and practice with that of Dr. Russell, which continued for three years, when he bought out his partner."


"Sixty years is a long time to call back to memory, but it is easy to do," said A. F. Snow, "for Mrs. Snow and I just celebrated our 60th wedding anniversary in May. Yes, it was in 1871 that I came here and began working in the drug store for Dr. J. J. Russell, and the year I got married. Mr. Houser, who was working in the Russell Drug Store, left to open a drug store uptown."


Mr. Snow continued to say that he purchased the Russell Drug Store building and Dr. Russell and Dr. Houser formed a partnership for a few years. Mr. Snow said that he and Dr. Houser were friendly competitors for a number of years and added that he always thought well of Dr. Houser.


Another interesting interview was held with H. B. Stevenson, who with his father did the brick work on the present Houser Drug Store. "It was in the summer of 1881 that we were building the drug store building and it was about my first job at laying brick," said Mr. Stevenson. He stated that he could not recall the exact year except that some years ago when he repaired the corner of the brick wall, Simon Cronin, who was president of the bank, reminded him that when the building was erected that he called out from the depot where he then was agent, that a wire had just been flashed that Garfield was assassinated.


Mr. Stevenson further stated that when he was repairing the corner he found the cornerstone box filled with papers, coins and a small bottle of liquor. The box and its contents were put back with the exception of the liquor.


John Deakins adds to the story of the early history by reiterating that when the new building was erected and the store opened that he was first in line when the doors were opened and made the first purchase which consisted of a bill of paint.


And so the Houser Drug Store has carried on always serving the people well, and so will they continue to render that same service to you and yours today and tomorrow.



From the 1980 History of Moniteau County:

Lehman's Rx Pharmacy has been owned and operated by Vernon Lehman since 1950.  Mr. Lehman is a native of California, Missouri, and the son of Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Lehman. After graduation from high school he attended the University of Missouri until he joined the Navy Air Corps in WWII. After the war, he graduated from the School of Pharmacy in Kansas City. 


In 1950, Vernon Lehman returned to California and bought what was formerly the Houser Drug Company. This drugstore was one of the oldest, if not the oldest, business in the county and had been in the Houser family for 78 years. In July, 1876, Dr. F. W. Houser bought a partnership in the drugstore and soon thereafter acquired complete ownership. It has been impossible to learn how long the business was in existence before this time.



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