Moniteau County Missouri
Hill Family Cemetery listings
Located in Township 45N, Range 15W, Section 19.
On pages 107 and 108 of The Recordings of Walker Township Cemeteries published by the Moniteau County Historical Society, it states:
May 30, 1969, Mr and Mrs Preston Hutchison, Mr and Mrs Elmer Welty and Miss Naomi Woods visited this Hill Family cemetery to copy the data from the stones. Mrs Mary Ruth (Allee) Buelile of Kansas City had sent Mrs Hutchison a list, but more data was added as we found 4 or 5 stones that Mrs Buelile did not have data on.
All photos and photos linked to from this page are Copyright © 1997- Alan Sparks -, All Rights Reserved.
Please do not use them on other websites (including Find-a-grave) without permission.
In 2006, this cemetery is on private property with a fence around the graves. It is located just west of California on Clarksburg Road. James Albin and Alan Sparks visited this cemetery late in the day on March 31, 2006. The pictures were taken at this time.
* = Calculated Date based on age; s/s/w = side by side with; ; s/s/a = same stone as; d/o = daughter of; s/o = son of; w/o = wife of
= Click for picture
= Click for
death certificate
Last Name, First Name, Middle, Birth Date, Death Date, Comments
-- 1832 Sep 17
- 1915 Jan 16 --
d/o Sandy Hill; w/o Miles Allee -- Pic 1:
Pic 2:
Foster Louis
-- 1821
- 1851 -- Pic 1:
Pic 2:
Hale Mary Malissa -- Died 1884 Nov 14 -- Aged 13y -- Colored -- Info from 1883-1894 Moniteau Co Birth & Death Rec
Hill Ellen
-- 1876 Apr 06
- 1884 Oct 11
-- d/o
J C & P Hill -- Pic 1:
Pic 2:
Pic 3:
Pic 4:
Pic 5:
Hill G
-- 1835 Oct *
- 1861 Nov 21
-- Aged 26y 1m -- Pic 1:
Pic 2:
-- 1911 Feb 15
- 1911 Feb 15
-- s/o
E R & Emma Hill -- Pic 1:
Pic 2:
Hill Jane
-- 1822 *
- 1863 Apr 24
-- Aged 40y 9m 10d
-- w/o J H Hill --
Pic 1:
Pic 2:
Pic 3:
Pic 4:
Pic 5:
-- 1841 Jan 10
- 1921 May 11
-- Aged 80y --
s/o Sandy & Sarah Hays Hill -- Pic 1:
Pic 2:
Pic 3:
Pic 4:
Pic 5:
-- 1844 Sep 01
- 1892 Apr 22
-- w/o
John C Hill -- Pic 1:
Pic 2:
Pic 3:
Pic 4:
Hill Rolland
-- 1841 *
- 1914 Apr 07
-- Aged 73y 7m 7d -- Pic 1:
Pic 2:
Sandy -- 1799 Oct 15
- 1867 Jan 31 -- Pic 1:
Pic 2:
Pic 3:
(Sallie) Ann (Hays)
-- 1797 *
- 1869 Sep 23
-- Aged 72y
-- Pic 1:
Pic 2:
Pic 3:
Pic 4:
-- w/o Sandy Hill; d/o Joseph & Jemima Allee
Sterling P
-- 1862 Jan 14
- 1882 Mar 26
-- s/o John & Permelia Hill
-- Pic 1:
Pic 2:
-- 1868 Apr 20
- 1870 Aug 20
-- s/o William Harvey & Maria Hutchison
-- Pic 1:
Pic 2:
Pic 3:
-- 1830 May 06
- 1901 Jun 16
-- w/o
William Harvey; d/o Sanda & Sarah Hill -- Pic 1:
Pic 2:
Pic 3:
Pic 4:
Harvey --
1830 Jan 25
- 1878 Apr 23 -- Pic 1:
Pic 2:
Pic 3:
Pic 4:
Pic 5:
Margaret -- 1848
- 1874 Oct 12
-- w/o
David Runnels
Runnels David -- No other information
Also on pages 107 and 108 of The Recordings of Walker Township Cemeteries published by the Moniteau County Historical Society, it states:
Following are notes on the family ..
We stopped in California, Mo at the home of Harold Dickson our State Representative to inquire the way to the Hill Family Cemetery. The Hill's, Sanda and Sarah Allee Hill were his great grandparents. Wm. Harvey and Mariah Osborn (Hill) Hutchison were his grandparents. Wm. Harvey and Mariah were also Preston Hutchison’s great Uncle and Aunt. Harvey was a brother to David D. Hutchison who was Preston’s great-grandfather. Harvey and David were sons of Thomas and Lydia (Marsh) Hutchison.
This cemetery set in a wooded area. Sanda and Sarah Hill's stones were the large slab type, very large. They were among tall condence trees. Attempt of taking pictures of the stones were made, after the stones had been chalked to be able to read them better. Evidences that the stock often came here to get out of the heat of the day, as the fence was almost gone. Many years ago they put up a new fence just around the family graves - no fence around the east part where the slaves were buried - only one stone was found in the slave cemetery, but there had been many at one time.
I will tell you a little of the Hill Family History to make the cemetery more interesting. Sanda Hill was born 15 Oct 1799 in Franklin County, Virginia. His parents were Isaac and Mildred (Hines) Hill of Barren County, Kentucky. Sanda married Sarah (Sallie) Ann Hays born 1797, she was the daughter of Jemima Allee and Joseph Hays of Virginia and Kentucky. (The Allee Family Cemetery is about 2 miles due north of this Hill Family Cemetery and is much bigger).
Upon arriving in Missouri the first child was born to Sanda and Sallie, the story is told that they would name her Missouri, but her mother Sallie was so homesick for Kentucky that they just named her Mariah Osborn Hill, she was born in 1830. So that gives us a date of about the time they came to Missouri and settled in Moniteau County. Mariah married Wm. Harvey Hutchison the son of Thomas and Lydia (Marsh) Hutchison, who had settled in Moniteau County around 1849. Harvey and Mariah are buried in this Hill Cemetery.
Sanda Hill was a slave owner, as all Hill’s were, but he was probably one of the largest slave owners in Moniteau County. Part of this Hill Family Cemetery was set aside to bury his slaves. At one time they were all marked with little gray slabs. There is no way of knowing how many slaves are buried here. David and Mariah Runnels were two of the Hills slaves that were buried here in this cemetery. Ansidire Hale and Joe Hale were two other slaves of the Hills. But after the Civil War and the slaves were freed Ansidire stayed on with the family. She lived with Wm. Harvey and Mariah Hill Hutchison after they were married and helped to raise their family. They called her "Aunt Ance". But in later years she went to Sedalia and lived with her people but often came to Moniteau County to visit her son Alex Hale and she would visit Mariah Hill Hutchison and her family. Ansidire died at Sedalia at the age of 112 and was buried there.
Thanks to Harold Dickson and Mrs. Mary Ruth (Allee) Buelile who gave much information on this Hill Family Cemetery and the history of the HILL-HUTCHISON families.
Information from Mrs. Preston Hutchison in 1969, who was working on the Hutchison Family Tree.
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Alan Sparks - Moniteau County MOGenWeb, All Rights Reserved.
Last modified:
October 28, 2014