Jackson Chapel Methodist Church Cemetery listings
Located two miles southwest of Enon in the SW 1/4 of SW 1/4 of Section 25, Township 43, Range 15. It is located in a wooded area of about one acre on the property of Jack Casten (1995).
The Moniteau County cemetery books listed this as Colored Methodist and had it listed as being near Enon and in California! It has since been discovered through death certificates it was referred to at the time as Jackson Chapel. The Methodist Church part is based on what the cemetery book recorded.
On page 74a of the Listings of Burris Fork, Harrison and Pilot
Grove Township Cemeteries published by the Moniteau County Historical Society,
it states:
Two bases were found but not the headstones, also several unmarked footstones.
This cemetery needs more work, using pointing rods, etc in early spring.
I (Jim Martin) talked with Mr Elroy Proctor June 18, 1995. His people brought these blacks with them from Barren County, KY. He attended the funeral of Frank Proctor here in 1938 [1934 according to death certificate]. The last person buried here was Frank's sister in 1941 [1930].
Betty Williamson talked to Mr Robert Barry (referred to by Elroy Proctor) and Bob had quite a few memories of this cemetery and some of the people buried there, especially Frank Proctor.
He stated several blacks owned land in the area. Taylor's and Russell's owned 40 acres each. Harold Barry, brother to Robert, bought 40 acres of Russell land. The Blackburn's were also slave owners. Bob Barry stated that blacks by the following names were buried here: Taylor, Proctor, Russell, Mulkey and possibly Son.
Frank Proctor's sister was Emma Joe Proctor, buried in 1941 [1930]. Also, buried here, according to Mr Barry, were Cordell Proctor and Georgie Russell. Frank, Cordell and Georgie all worked for Mr Gattermier, an uncle to Robert Barry.
No deed to this cemetery was found.
Above, two views of some of the stones in this cemetery.
Above, far left, a base of a stone that is nowhere to be found. The other three are of stones with no inscriptions. A total of 3 or 4 plain concrete markers (as seen above), all placed in a row, were found in February, 2006.
All photos and photos linked to from this page are Copyright © 1997- Alan Sparks - www.moniteau.net, All Rights Reserved.
Please do not use them on other websites (including Find-a-grave) without permission.
James Albin and Alan Sparks visited this cemetery February
13, 2006. It is located within sight of South Creek Road just about 1/4 mile
north of the South Creek/Stone Creek Road intersection.
Directions to the cemetery: From California, travel on Hwy 87 south, past
High Point, to Rt A. Turn left (east) and travel approximately 1.4 miles to
South Creek Road. Turn right (south) and travel approximately 9/10s of a mile.
The cemetery will be in a wooded area on the right hand side of the road, just
north (~1/4 mile) of its intersection with Stone Creek Road. The house
that is at this intersection is easily seen from the gate very near the
Very near here: 38.444797,-92.528653
* = Calculated Date based on age; d/o = daughter of; s/o = son of; w/o = wife of; c/o = child of
Info from death certificate = the information is from a death certificate and no stone was found for the individual.
Info from news obit = the information is from a newspaper obituary and no stone was found for the individual.
= Click for picture
= Click for
death certificate
Last Name, First Name, Middle, Birth Date, Death Date, Comments
Hickcox Sam Harrison "Harry" -- 1889 Mar 04 - 1910 Jul 19
-- s/o Joseph & Hester Hickox;
See page 74a in Burris Fork, Harrison & Pilot Grove Twp cem book
Hickcox Sarah
-- 1903 Feb 14 -
1917 Jan 05 -- d/o W A & Mary Hickcox
-- Info from death certificate
Hickox Stone
Hickox Eliza J -- 1867 Oct 01 - 1930 Jul 06
Hickox Joseph -- 1854 - 1909 Jul 05
-- See page 74a in Burris Fork, Harrison & Pilot Grove Twp cem book
Palance Charley -- Also members of his family-no markers
Pickens Pearlie -- 1884
Oct 04 - 1917 Jun 25 -- d/o John & Rosa Russell -- Info from death certificate
Proctor Cordell -- 1869 Feb 08 - 1942 Aug 14 -- Aged 74y -- s/o Willis & Mary Proctor
Proctor Emma -- 1858 - 1930
Jun 05 -- Pic 1:
Pic 2:
-- See page 74a in Burris Fork, Harrison & Pilot Grove Twp cem book
Proctor Franklin W -- 1857 Oct 02 - 1934 Sep 14
-- See page 74a & 74b in Burris Fork, Harrison & Pilot Grove Twp cem book
(above and
Proctor Herman William -- 1871 Mar 12 - 1950 Mar 03
Lawrence Edward -- 1898 Sep 22 - 1952 Feb 03 -- Info from death certificate
Proctor Mary E
-- 1845 May 02 - 1912 Aug 14 -- Dates from death certificate
Proctor Willis Lee
-- 1831 Dec 13 - 1911 Oct 12 -- Dates from death certificate
Russell Haveline -- 1909 Mar 23 - 1910 Aug 16 -- d/o Isaiah & Susie Russell -- Info from death certificate
Russell Nathan -- 1820
May 02 - 1911 Feb 06 -- Dates from death certificate
-- Birth probably should be 1830 according to 1870 (Saline Twp, Miller Co., age 40), 1880 (age 50) & 1910 census (Burris Fork Twp,
Moniteau Co., age 80)
Smith Eliza -- 1852 Mar 02 - 1914 Dec 06 -- Pic 1:
Pic 2:
-- d/o Elisha Hickox; Birth date from death certificate; See page 74a in Burris Fork, Harrison & Pilot Grove Twp cem book (above)
The following taken from a newspaper story published in the California Democrat 29 January 1986:
A photograph in the 18 Sep 1985 Democrat prompted a letter from a former area resident, now living in Oregon. The picture was of Frank Proctor, one of the last emancipated slaves living in Moniteau County. Mrs Helen Shikles Hogsett wrote: "This has brought back many happy memories of my childhood and of my grandmother who was a member of the family where Frank's folks were slaves." Mrs Dorothy Renken Medlin of Enon and Mrs Marie McGinnis Rea contributed to this story.
John and Alma McGinnis, parents of Marie, hired the former slave as a handyman on their Moreau Valley farm near Enon for many years in the early 1900s. Frank played the accordion which he used to entertain the various friends he made over the years. Those who remember him, recall Frank as good-hearted and God-fearing as evidenced by the oft mentioned petitions he made to the Lord when frightened or in pain. In later years, these ladies recall, that the Enon community claimed Frank as its responsibility.
Frank used to walk the three or so miles to Olean where he purchased groceries, greeting friends along the way. He would sit and talk to Nancy Jane Proctor, grandmother of Helen Hogsett. They reminisced about those pre-Civil War days, and much about the war itself, and their memories of the Northern soldiers. Frank explained that he was a very lucky person because of the sevens connected with his existence. He was the seventh son of a seventh son and born on the seventh day of the seventh month in the year ending in the number seven, probably 1857.
Research done by these area history buffs leads them to believe that Frank was born to a family of slaves owned by Benjamin A Proctor, Hogsett's great grandfather in the Olean area in the mid-1800's. Benjamin Proctor, according to Cole County will of his father, Nathan Proctor, dated 22 Jun 1857, was to inherit a "Negro slave Tom." In the same will, another slave, Willis, was willed to another of his sons. It is here that Uncle Frank's background becomes muddled. They feel that Willis was Frank's father, but Hogsett wrote that he (Frank) was owned by our family and was kept after emancipation on the home place where his folks were paid a salary. Perhaps Benjamin somehow inherited or purchased Willis, too. Frank's family moved from the Proctor home place about 3 miles south of Russellville to a place about 5 miles away in Moniteau County. It appeared to have worked out well for his seventh son, Enon's Uncle Frank.
Medlin relates the end of Frank's story. "In the early 1930's he began to suffer a heart condition. He would walk to Enon to get his heart medicine. One day while waiting in Enon for the Bagnell branch train for his medicine to arrive, he sat down on a cream can or bench in front of the poultry and cream buying station. A customer rushed in and said Uncle Frank had fallen off the seat. He was stricken by a fatal heart attack.
Frank was buried in the cemetery behind a country Methodist Church for blacks, where he most likely was a member, about a mile and half west of his birthplace. Near the church several pre-Civil War cabins once stood. Today, many of the rocks from the chimneys can still be seen along with the remains of the cemetery as a reminder of one group of long-ago area residents.
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Last modified: October 29, 2014