Moniteau County Missouri
John James Family Cemetery listings
In the Recordings of Burris Fork, Harrison and Pilot Grove Township cemeteries it states: John and Rachel James had deeded to the trustees of the United Baptist Church north of High Point, the land for the church and cemetery in 1847. This was in Section 9. John James homesteaded land in section 17, in the year 1840 on January 10th and signed by Martin Van Buren, President of the United States. High Point is in section 17.
These pictures were taken of the cemetery on December 30, 2010.
Directions to cemetery: Located near High Point and United Baptist Church cemetery in the woods. From Rt C at the east end of High Point, turn north on Campbell Road. Travel until coming to the United Baptist Church cemetery. At the southwest corner of the cemetery there is a gate. The cemetery is located down the lane that runs through the woods at the bottom of the hill and across a small branch. This cemetery is on private property and has been designated an archaeological site. Please always get permission from the land owner before visiting cemeteries on private property.
These pictures were taken of the cemetery in late 2006.
Three stones were all that were found. John and Rachel James tombstones were found in an enclosure of an old rock wall about 2 1/2 feet high, of very large stones which were crumbled and most of them gone. The enclosure was as long as the graves and about 12 to 15 feet wide. Another stone was found outside this wall rock enclosure and it was that of John T Hair. Who this child was, we do not know, but in John James Bible was written: Stephen Heir born 1 May 1819.
John and Rachel James were the great great grandparents of Preston Hutchison who on Sunday, April 26, 1970, with his wife, and Mr and Mrs Elmer Welty
started out to locate the old family cemetery. As of summer 2007 a protective fence has been erected around this cemetery.
James Albin and Alan Sparks visited this cemetery and took the pictures on December 30, 2010.
* = Calculated Date based on age; d/o = daughter of; s/o = son of; w/o = wife of
Click for picture
Last Name, First Name, Middle, Birth Date, Death Date, Comments
Hair John J -- 1839 Jul 16 - 1847 Jul 27 -- Hand carved stone
& very hard to read -- Pic 1:
Pic 2:
Pic 3:
A genealogy of this
James family can be found
James John -- 1790 Jan 18 - 1877 May 31 -- Aged 77y 4m 13d -- Pic 1:
Pic 2:
Pic 3:
Pic 4:
John James stone is confusing as it reads: died 1877, age 77y 4m 13d (as
clearly seen in the 4th picture), but born in 1790. True, he was born in 1790 as
his Bible states. When did he die? Or was he 87 yrs old?
James Rachel -- 1794 Apr 27 - 1857 Mar 31 -- w/o John James -- Pic 1:
Pic 2:
Pic 3:
Pic 4:
Pic 5:
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