Moniteau County Missouri

Miller Cemetery listings


Located approximately 1/4 mile back in a field on the Missouri River bluffs just north of Sandy Hook in Township 46, Range 14, Section 2.


This cemetery has only 14 marked graves.  James Albin and Alan Sparks visited this cemetery April 20, 2007 and found it in much the same shape as described below.  There is a fence surrounding the cemetery that would keep out any livestock.




All photos and photos linked to from this page are Copyright © 1997- Alan Sparks -, All Rights Reserved.

Please do not use them on other websites (including Find-a-grave) without permission.


On page 61 of the Recordings of Linn Township Cemeteries published by the Moniteau County Historical Society, it states:
Also, there are 8 graves marked with rough hewn lime stones, not lettered.  Possibly more graves are here but undetected due to trees, woods and buck brush.


Directions to cemetery: From Jamestown, go east on Hwy 179 until the intersection with Swiss Valley Road. Turn left and travel in a generally east direction until its intersection with Factory Creek Road. The cemetery is directly across Factory Creek Road from its intersection with Swiss Valley Road.  The cemetery is approximately 1/4 to 3/8 mile straight back in the field.  This is on private property.  Always respect others property and get permission before visiting this cemetery.


Located here: 38.761866,-92.416805



* = Calculated Date based on age; d/o = daughter of; s/o = son of; w/o = wife of


= Click for picture


Last Name, First Name, Middle, Birth Date, Death Date, Comments


Bruce Infant -- 1881 Feb 05 - 1881 Feb 05 -- s/o H T & E I Bruce
Bruce Wilimoth -- 1878 Sep 13 - 1878 Nov 30 -- baby of H T & E Bruce


Fuget James M -- 1817 Aug 26 - 1873 Nov 22 -- Pic 1: Pic 2:


Houx Infant -- 1851 Dec 19 * - 1851 Dec 27 -- Aged 8d -- d/o J R & L Houx -- Pic 1: Pic 2:
Houx Lucinda  -- 1818 Mar 01 - 1851 Dec 25 -- w/o Jacob R Houx
-- Pic 1: Pic 2:


Martin Infant Daughter -- 1864 Jul 09 - 1864 Jul 19 -- Aged 10d -- d/o R S & S Martin -- Pic 1: Pic 2:
Martin Infant Son -- 1864 Jul 09 - 1864 Jul 17 -- Aged 8d -- s/o R S & S Martin
-- Pic 1: Pic 2:
Martin S Alice -- 1842 Dec * - 1866 May 14 -- Aged 23y 4m 23d -- w/o R S Martin
-- Pic 1: Pic 2: Pic 3:


On page 61 of the Recordings of Linn Township Cemeteries published by the Moniteau County Historical Society, it states:
The above two graves are enclosed by a beautiful wrought-iron fence with the iron chain and padlock still holding the gate closed.



The monument marking Mrs Martin resting place is about 15 inches square at the base, tapering to a point at about 6 feet above the ground. It is inscribed as follows: "She lives in every thought, In every dream she smiles again, and speaks a blessing to the heart."


Miller Family plot -- Pic 1: Pic 2:

Miller James -- 1785 * - 1846 Apr 10 -- Aged 61y -- died in the 61st year of his age -- Pic 1: Pic 2:
Miller Lucinda -- 1815 * - 1846 Apr 15 -- Aged 31y 25d -- w/o James
-- Pic 1: Pic 2: Pic 3:
Miller Susan -- 1795 * - 1842 Sep 11 -- Aged 47y -- died in the 47th yr of her age



Reed Henry T -- 1867 May 03 - 1868 Oct 30 -- s/o L & S A Reed -- Pic 1: Pic 2:
Reed Posten -- 1865 Oct 25 - 1885 Aug 25
-- Pic 1: Pic 2:

            -- Cem rec gives death as 21 Nov 1858 (See R L Shirley below, with this date)


Shipley R L -- 1829 Nov 09 - 1858 Nov 21 -- Pic 1: Pic 2: Pic 3:  


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Last modified: July 07, 2024