Moniteau County Missouri
Soldier's Cemetery listings
According to the Recordings of Willow Fork and Moreau Township Cemeteries, this cemetery was once called Soldier's Cemetery. Later the soldier's were buried elsewhere. At the bottom is a list of ones known to have been moved. There are a few Caucasian graves remaining here.
All photos and photos linked to from this page are Copyright © 1997- Alan Sparks -, All Rights Reserved.
Please do not use them on other websites (including Find-a-grave) without permission.
Located in the northwest part of Tipton at the edge of Prairie Grove cemetery.
Both cemeteries are located to the west (behind) of the Tipton Correctional Center.
Directions to cemetery: Take Hwy B north through Tipton, across the railroad tracks. Turn left (west) on Howard Street (in front of the Maclay Mansion). Turn right (north) on Pacific St, go approximately 1/4 mile past the Masonic cemetery. The cemetery will be on the right (east) side of the road. This will be behind the Tipton Correctional Center.
GPS Location: 38.665927,-92.783042
* = Calculated Date based on age; d/o = daughter of; s/o = son of; w/o = wife of; m = married
= Click for picture
Last Name, First Name, Middle, Birth Date, Death Date, Comments
? August -- Refer to explanation in Cem book (below)
? Augusta -- Refer to explanation in Cem book (below)
? F S -- Refer to explanation in Cem book (below)
? Julia -- Refer to explanation in Cem book (below)
? Julius -- Refer to explanation in Cem book (below)
Hamilton Frederick
-- 1844 * - 1863 Sep 25
-- Aged 18y 11m 25d -- Pic 1:
Pic 2:
Pic 3:
Lee Frederick -- 1829
Aug * - 1882 Jul 09 -- Aged 52y 11m 3d -- Pic 1:
Pic 2:
Miller Harvey
P -- 1820 Jun 02
- 1866 Aug 25 -- Pic 1:
Pic 2:
-- Killed by James gang according to this source -- Source 1a, Source 1b and Source 2
-- Also married twice with several children according to the above sources
-- Harvey Phineas Miller suffered for 3 months before dying according to his Find-a-grave entry.
More information on this Tivis/Tives family can be found
Tivis Snoden -- 1800 * - 1853 Dec 27 -- Aged 53y --s/o Nathaniel Jr &
Nancy Burgin Tivis/Tives -- Pic 1:
Pic 2:
Tivis Susan -- 1804 * - 1852 Nov 20 -- Aged 48y -- w/o Snoden Tivis -- Pic 1:
Pic 2:
The recordings without a surname above have the following explanation in the Recordings of Willow Fork and Moreau Township Cemeteries:
The following are first names of a family. A concrete base is around these markers. There was a time when people came and decorated these graves.
The following is a list of people known to have been moved from this cemetery. They are supposed to have been re-interred at Jefferson Barracks near St. Louis, MO. A search of National Cemetery burials can be made here.
Brown J L -- 14th Regiment Co D
C V S -- There is a Virgil S Cox that died 05 Jan 1862 listed as buried at Jefferson Barracks - the only person to match these initials in my search
Johnson J C -- 26th Indiana Co C
-- there are 2 J C Johnson's listed as buried at Jefferson Barracks - one with death date of 17 Aug 1862 and a 2nd with death date of 01 Jan 1864
Love John A -- Died 24 Nov 1864 -- 45th Missouri Co A
-- there is a J A Love listed as buried at Jefferson Barracks with death date of 24 Nov 1864
L W -- there are 12 soldiers and 2 civilians buried at Jefferson Barracks with these initials; 2 of the soldiers are Confederate
McCaib T -- there is a Thomas McCaib listed as buried at Jefferson Barracks with no death date
Melvin E -- 2nd Illinois Co A -- there is an E M Melvin listed as buried at Jefferson Barracks with no death date
N D H -- 26th Indiana -- There are 2 soldiers listed as buried at Jefferson Barracks that have the initials D. N. -- David Nance & David Nelson
Reem Colvin -- Co E
Simpson Jeremiah -- Died 14 Feb 1864 -- 4th MSM Co K
-- there is a Jeremiah Simpson buried at Jefferson Barracks with death date of 14 Feb 1864
-- there is a Jeremiah Simpson listed here (National Park Service site - do a search)
Taylor J L -- 45th Missouri Co A
-- there is a J L Taylor buried at Jefferson Barracks with death date of 22 Nov 1864
Teiman John -- 6th Missouri Co A -- there is a John Tieman listed here (National Park Service site - do a search)
The following appeared in the December 20, 1866 Loyal Missourian, an early Moniteau County newspaper:
Soldier's Graves
We wish to call the attention of the citizens of Moniteau County to the condition of the Soldier's Grave Yard at Tipton.
During the early part of the late war the General Hospital for Central Missouri was at Tipton. In the winter of 1861, after the return of Fremont's army, many soldiers sickened and died and were interred in a field northwest of Tipton, and the head-boards erected by their comrades with their name and regiment inscribed thereon.
Since then the graves of those patriots who lost their lives in the service of our country have been exposed to stock that may run in the field. It is high time that some one should make an effort to have a good substantial fence erected to enclose their graves.
Those soldiers left their homes and loved ones and have fallen far from home and friends, and we the citizens of Moniteau, who enjoy the blessings that they died to secure, should see that their last resting place is enclosed and properly protected.
We suggest that it would be well to petition the County Court for an appropriation sufficient to pay for the material. Our County has incurred but little expense in this war in comparison with many other Counties. -- $250 will reach the amount paid for all bounties, hence we are of the opinion that a substantial petition to the Court would secure an appropriation. Will some of our readers at Tipton make a move in the matter?
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Alan Sparks - Moniteau County MOGenWeb, All Rights Reserved.
Last modified:
November 13, 2014