Moniteau County Missouri
Thixton Family Cemetery listings
Located in Section 26, Township 44N, Range 17W in Willow Fork Township.
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From the Recordings of Willow Fork and Moreau Township Cemeteries: In the autumn of 1836 the Thixtons moved from Louisville, KY to Moniteau and Morgan Counties, Missouri. The emigrants were James D Thixton, his wife, the former Sarah Eliza Sousley, and their three small sons. On the same wagon train came the Fount Hays, his wife, formerly Liza Thixton, and their son and daughter; Asa Drake, with his bride, former Sarah A Smith and Abraham H Murphy, who raised Asa Drake.
At the time of arrival in Missouri the age of James D and Sarah Thixton's children were: William Henry - 5, Peter S - 3 and Alfred - not quite 1. Then three more sons were born: John T, Thompson M, and David H Thixton. All 3 born on the place the parents first lived when they moved to Missouri.
In deed book 2, page 140 - in Morgan County, Missouri at the courthouse in Versailles, we find that James D bought this land from Peter Newkirk and wife, Polly (Mary Brown) on the 11th of May 1837. Peter Newkirk had come to Missouri from Bullitt County, Louisville, KY and patented this land July 14, 1834, with a cash certificate #7406 - Patent Vol. 1.
On this land James D Thixton and wife moved to, they set aside a part of their land for the Thixton family cemetery, where 27 of their loved ones are buried. James D Thixton and his wife Sarah were laid to rest in the family burying ground on the Thixton homeplace. But the first one buried here was their son, Peter S Thixton, who was killed in 1864 by bush whackers during the Civil War.
A year later, James D buried his wife here. Thompson M, another son, was buried here in 1917. His wife, Amanda Catherine Drake, is buried by his side. James D's other three sons are buried in the Newkirk cemetery, northeast of the Thixton home place, just about a mile and a half, which was established and many buried there before the first relative was laid to rest in the family burying ground on the Thixton home place. The three sons of James D buried at Newkirk cemetery were: John T and wife, Mary A Drake; David H and wife Martha; and Alfred Thixton.
Inscriptions were taken June 18, 1967 by Mr and Mrs Preston Hutchison of Versailles and Mr and Mrs Zora Charles of Fortuna.
James Albin and Alan Sparks visited this cemetery in March, 2006. Alan Sparks took the pictures March 10, 2006.
Directions to cemetery: From California, go west on Hwy 50 to the intersection with Rt E (approx. 6 miles). Turn left (south) on Rt E and go towards Latham approx. 5.7 miles to the intersection with Rt W. Turn right (west) and travel on Rt W for 3.4 miles to the intersection with Maupin Rd. Turn left (south) on Maupin Rd and travel 4/10s of a mile to the intersection with Newkirk Cemetery Rd. Turn right (west) and travel on Newkirk Cemetery Rd for 8/10s of a mile to the intersection with Green Meadow Rd. Turn right (also west) and travel 1/2 mile to a lane that runs parallel with a private road at 70925 Green Meadow Rd. The cemetery will be to the left at the top of the hill several yards out in the field.
Located in this area: 38.551293,-92.766315
* = Calculated Date based on age; d/o = daughter of; s/o = son of; w/o = wife of; m = married
Info from news obit = the information is from a newspaper obituary and no stone was found for the individual.
= Click for picture
= Click for
death certificate
Last Name, First Name, Middle, Birth Date, Death Date, Comments
Farmer J -- No dates listed
Grinstead Caroline -- 1812 Aug 08 - 1871 Sep 21
-- Cem rec states w/o Rev W W Grinstead 17 Aug 1830 - 20 Aug 1917 & buried in the Kelsay cem in Morgan Co by his 2nd wife Mary J
Rodner Hester -- 1896 Dec 27 - 1898 Sep 03 -- d/o William F & Rose Thixton Rodner
-- Pic 1:
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Rodner Infant -- 1906 Apr 20 - 1906 Apr 20 -- d/o William F & Rose Thixton Rodner
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Rodner Infant -- 1913 Nov 02 - 1913 Nov 02 -- d/o William F & Rose Thixton Rodner
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Rodner Rose May -- 1869 Feb 03 - 1955 Jun 02 -- w/o William F Rodner; d/o Thompson & Amanda Drake Thixton
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Rodner William Franklin -- 1867 Mar 26 - 1935 Aug 09 -- s/o Benhardt & Mary Elizabeth Dritt Rodner
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Thixton Amanda -- 1869 Mar 06 - 1870 Mar 04
-- Cem rec states Sandstone marker; c/o John T & Mary Drake Thixton; Dates provided by Mrs. Aurdrey Rodner Williams
Thixton Amanda Catharine -- 1844 Jun 10 - 1913 Jan 15
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-- w/o Thompson M Thixton; d/o Asa Drake & Sarah Smith Drake
Thixton Elias -- 1865 Jun 24 - 1868 Sep 03
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Thixton Elizabeth -- 1873 Mar 18 - 1878 Nov 18
-- Cem rec states Sandstone marker; c/o John T & Mary Drake Thixton; Dates provided by Mrs. Aurdrey Rodner Williams
Thixton Elsie M -- 1892 Aug 30 - 1932 Dec 18 -- m 1917 Apr 08 to Harvey
Thixton; d/o John & Margaret Purnell -- Pic 1:
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Thixton Florence -- 1873 Jul 12 - 1874 Jul 07 -- d/o Thompson & Amanda Drake Thixton
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Thixton Frank -- 1875 Feb 10 - 1950 Aug 11 -- s/o Thompson & Amanda Drake Thixton
Thixton Harvey Thompson -- 1878 Apr 11 - 1948 Aug 17 -- s/o Thompson & Amanda Drake Thixton
Thixton James D -- 1806 Jan 18 - 1874 May 13 -- Pic 1:
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Thixton Peter -- 1833 Dec * - 1864 Jul 20 -- Aged 30y 6m 21d
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-- s/o James D & Sarah E Thixton; Cem rec states killed by bushwhackers during Civil War
Thixton Sarah Eliza Sousley -- 1804 Mar * - 1865 Dec 21 -- Aged 61y 8m 24d -- w/o James D Thixton
-- Pic 1:
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Thixton Sophia Drake -- 1875 Sep 27 - 1876 Aug 27
-- Cem rec states Sandstone marker; c/o John T & Mary Drake Thixton; Dates provided by Mrs. Aurdrey Rodner Williams
Thixton Thompson M -- 1840 Jul 17 - 1917 Jan 15 -- s/o James D & Sarah E Thixton
-- Pic 1:
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Thixton Thompson M -- ---- Nov 05 - 1871 Nov 09
-- Cem rec states Sandstone marker; c/o John T & Mary Drake Thixton; Dates provided by Mrs. Aurdrey Rodner Williams
Worley Alpha Ann Thixton -- 1861 Oct 16 - 1911 Jun 02 -- w/o John H Worley; d/o Alfred &
Lorina Chesser Thixton
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Worley John H -- 1845 Dec 28 - 1922 Aug 18 -- Cem rec states No death date
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Worley Minnie O -- 1883 Sep 27 - 1886 Dec 19 -- d/o John H & Alpha A Worley
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Wright Charles W -- 1876 Jul 31 - 1948 Jun 10 -- m 1905 Apr 08 to Nellie Thixton;
s/o William & Anna Wright-- Pic 1:
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Wright Nellie F -- 1876 - 1919 Apr 10
-- Pic 1:
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-- w/o Charles W Wright; d/o Thompson & Amanda C Drake Thixton; death certificate gives 1877 birth year
It wasn't until June 7, 1922 that Harry E Thixton and wife, Genieva A Thixton, had a deed made to preserve this private cemetery. This is a transcription made by Omega Hutchison, from the Abstract of Title, belonging to Thomas L Hutchison, owner of the James D Thixton farm in 1968.
Dated May 6, 1922 - Recorded June 7, 1922
Book 44, page 520, Moniteau County, Missouri
Do Grant, Bargain and sell, Convey and Confirm unto said parties of the second part the following described land, situated in Moniteau County, Missouri, To Wit:
A parcel of land which is said to be used as a private cemetery beginning at a point 24 3/4 feet east from SW corner of the NW 1/4 of NW 1/4 of Section 26, Township 44, Range 17, thence east 38 1/2 rods, thence north 5 rods, thence west 38 1/2 rods, thence south 5 rods to the place of beginning, being a parcel of land 5 rods wide by 38 1/2 rods long; also a strip of land 24 3/4 feet wide off the west sid of said NW 1/4 NW: of Section 26, said strip of land to be used as a private road to the above mentioned cemetery.
TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the same, unto said party of the second part their successors in trust with covenants of Warrant and Defend.
Signed Harry E Thixton Seal
Genieva A Thixton Seal
Acknowledge May 6, 1922 before P J Schmidt. A Notary Public for Moniteau County, Missouri, by above Grantors, Harry E Thixton and Genieva A Thixton, his wife, as their free act and deed under hand seal.
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Alan Sparks - Moniteau County MOGenWeb, All Rights Reserved.
Last modified:
November 13, 2014