Lupus Baptist Church (1904-Present)
From Ford's 1936 History of Moniteau County, Missouri:
This church was organized in 1904, most of its members having theretofore belonged to the Mt. Zion church. Deacons are Alex H. Clay and Wm. Murrel. D. W. Clay is clerk, T. E. Clay treasurer and J. A. Alexander trustee.
For about seventy five years this district had been in the territory of Mt. Zion church when the building of the railway and growth of the town of Lupus gave an added population to this immediate section which it was felt justified the creation of a new organization, It had thirty two charter members.
From History of Concord Baptist Association (Cole, 1973):
Missouri River bluffs provide the picturesque landscape setting for the Baptist Church in the small town of Lupus which is located on the river in the northeastern portion of Moniteau County, Missouri.
Actually the Lupus Baptist Sunday School is older than the church itself ~~ the first Sunday School convened at the Moore school (later known as the Lupus school) the first Sunday in April. 1899. It was held in the afternoon, and the late Dr. A. L. Meredith, who had been born and reared at Lupus, served as Sunday School superintendent. The Baptists at Lupus held their membership at Mt. Zion Baptist Church, some distance away.
As the town of Lupus grew, and with the coming of the Missouri Pacific railroad more growth in population was anticipated, it seemed desirable for the Baptists to organize a church there, withdrawing from the mother church. Mt. Zion. So the Minutes of Organization and First Meeting of the Lupus Baptist Church states that a number of Baptised believers met in the public hall at Lupus, Missouri on April 3, 1904 for the purpose of organizing a Baptist Church." Thirty-two charter members effected this organization. They were: J. M. Bruce, Margaret J. Bruce, Curtis Bruce, Charles Bruce, Anna Bruce, J. M. Clay, Fannie Clay, J. J. Gay, Sarah Clay, A. J. Wilson, Amanda Wilson, Joe N. Smith, Alice E. Smith, J. A. Alexander, Lucy Alexander, C. F. Adams, Margaret Adams, John T. Bruce, Mrs. John T. Bruce, Stella J. Moore, R. M. Hudson, Ida Hudson, T. S. Handy, Lucy Handy, Dr. W. H. Reynolds, Nellie S_ Pettigrew, W. B. Deatherage, Docia Swinney, Eliza Musick, Willie Bruce, Roxey Henderson and O. B. Hudson. William Tipton, who later became pastor, was chosen moderator for this meeting, and the church adopted the articles of faith and the church covenant at the same time. Services were held in the town hall until the church building was constructed on the plot of ground given for that purpose by the late J. M. and Fannie Clay. The first deacons were: J. M Bruce, J. M. Clay and Dr. W. H. Reynolds. The first trustees were: C. F. Adams, R. M. Hudson and J. A. Alexander. A. J. Wilson was the first treasurer.
The minutes of Concord Baptist Association in its eighty-first annual session September 14, 1904, records "By motion the Lupus Baptist Church was received into fun fellowship with this association. The hand of Fellowship was extended by the moderator to the delegates of Lupus Church and they were welcomed to seats in the association." The delegates were, J. M. Clay, O. B. Hudson, and Mrs. J. M. Bruce. Thirty-three other churches comprised the Association at that time.
The church letter of 1904 read something like this: W. H. Reynolds, S.S. superintendent, enrollment, 75 - average attendance, 51 - number of officers and teachers, 5 - total expense of S.S., $10.00. P. H. Taylor of Kleiver, pastor (the first), J. N. Smith, church clerk - second Sunday was meeting day, total membership, 34 - church expense, $150 - printing of minutes, 50c - value of church property, $150 - grand total expense, $160.50.
Lupus Baptist Church met at the new house of worship on August 6, 1905 for the purpose of dedicating the building which was made debt free on that date. Rev. Sanford M. Brown, Kansas City, was present and preached the dedicatory sermon to a large and appreciative audience.
The records of 1905 state: Sunday School enrolment, 78; total membership, 36; given to District Missions, $5.00; State Missions, $2.00; Home Missions, $1.00 and valuation of church property, $1,800.00. The first death reported was that of charter member T. S. Handy, in October, 1905.
In researching for statistics that might be of interest, it was noted that in 1919 the church membership was 143, and in 1940 it was 146. Sunday School enrolment for the latter year was 109. In 1916, Virgil P. Deatherage was licensed to preach the Gospel. He now lives in the state of Mississippi. In 1945, Herbert Howe and the late B. F. Henderson were ordained as deacons, with the ordination service held at Wooldridge Baptist Church. Rev. Harold Renfrow was pastor of both churches at that time.
Mrs. J. F. Heaton, Jefferson City, who was enlistment chairman of Concord Associational W.M. u., presided as chairman for the organization meeting of the Woman's Missionary Society at Lupus in October, 1947. Thirteen ladies became members with Mrs. Thomas E. Clay as president. At various times during the years there have been W.M. U. Auxiliary groups, Training Union and Royal Ambassadors.
Until 1948, the church had only quarter time preaching, then from 1948 to 1965 it had half-time, and since the latter date it has maintained full time preaching. Vacation Bible School was held almost every year until 1972.
In 1951, the church shared in the estate (with two other Baptist agencies) of the late J. A. Alexander, who was a charter member. With this gift, supplemented by church funds and individual contributions, the church entered into a remodeling program. A portion of the large one-room structure was made into five class rooms, and since then the entire interior has been re-decorated, carpeting laid, pulpit furniture and a communion table purchased and other improvements made.
The church hosted the annual meeting of Concord Association in 1951. The 50th anniversary was appropriately observed on April 4, 1954. On December 9, 1969 the church held an ordination service for Kirk Sumpter, its pastor, setting him apart to the Gospel ministry. At the present time, one hundred four names appear on the membership roll of Lupus Baptist Church.
Present day deacons are Herbert Howe and A. H. Clay. Other deacons who have served the church ably and well, and are not here-to-fore mentioned are: C. F. Adams, A. J. Hudson, George Cheathanm and William Murrell.
Current Sunday School and church officers are: Sunday School director, A. L Cassil, Jr.; Sunday School secretary, Mrs. Herbert Howe; church clerk, Mrs. A. L Cassil, Jr.; church treasurer, Dorsey W. Clay; church pianist, Mrs. Fannie Bruce; Baptist Women president, Mrs. A. L. Cassil, Jr.; associational board member, Bobby Hugh Cox.
Thirty-one pastors, including the present pastor, during its sixty-nine years of ministry to the community. They are: P. H. Taylor, J. B. Frisbie, J. T. Osborne, W. A. Bruce, L. E. Hederick, William Tipton, John Harbouth, C. F. D. Arnold, G. M. Baker, C. A. Stephens, G. C. Davis, T. J. Deakins, W. W. Bryan, H. J. Hood, Gordon Carpenter, John B. Hines, Walter Kennicut, Harold Renfrow, Frank Chase, John Muncy, Hugh Trotter, W. H. Butler, William Smith, Edward Evans, William Potter, Manley Pace, Richard Blix, Glen Petters, Can Atwood, Kirk Sumpter and Keith Willis.
From the 1980 History of Moniteau County, Missouri published by the Moniteau Co. Historical Society:
Missouri River Bluffs provide the picturesque landscape setting for the Lupus Baptist. in the Village of Lupus, located on the river in the northeastern portion of Moniteau County, Missouri.
As the town of Lupus grew and with the building of the Missouri Pacific Railway, more growth in population was in evidence. It seemed desirable for the Baptists to organize a church, with drawing from the mother church. Mt Zion, a few miles distant
“A number of Baptized believers met in the public hall at Lupus. Missouri on April 3, 1904, for the purpose at organizing a Baptist Church,” thus reads “The Minutes of Organization and First Meeting at the Lupus Baptist Church.”
Actually, the Lupus Baptist Sunday School is older than the Lupus Baptist Church itself. The first Sunday School convened at the Moore School (later known as the Lupus School) the first Sunday of April, 1899, having been organized previous to this date.
Thirty-two charter members effected the organization of the church. Church services were held in the town hall until the building was constructed on the plot of ground given by J. M. and Fannie Clay. The Lupus Baptist Church met in their new house of worship on August 6, 1905 for the purpose of dedicating their new building. Rev. W. C. Smith of Tipton is church pastor at the present lime. By Mrs. Thos. E. Clay
From the 2000 History of Moniteau County, Missouri published by the Moniteau Co. Historical Society:
A history of Lupus Baptist Church update would not be complete without mentioning the devastating flood of 1993. A single mark in the first step as you enter Lupus Baptist Church records the water level of the flood of 1951, but it seems insignificant when looking at the destructive force of the flood waters of 1993. For the first time in the history of the church, flood waters not only covered the church sign in the front yard, but entered what was then the 89 year old sanctuary.
Approximately 5 feet of water stood inside, covering the altar at the front of the church. What followed was several long weeks of clean-up and refurbishing.
During this time, the Red Cross used the church to store much needed supplies and food for the residents of Lupus. Being unable to have regular services at the church, members met at a private home.
Along with several neighboring churches from the local area, churches from other states assisted with the clean-up of the community and the church. Time and space doesn't allow mentioning all the churches, organizations, individual manpower, donations of supplies and money to cover the cost of replacing necessary items. There is the deepest gratitude for each and every one who helped from Lupus Baptist Church and the residents of Lupus.
One church in particular, Temple Hill Baptist church of Temple Hill, Kentucky, continues to show their kindness and generosity. Not only did they have new carpeting installed throughout the church, but also installed bathrooms the following year. Since 1996 several young people from their church, along with the pastor, have returned to assist in Vacation Bible School and our spring revival. Just recently, a new furnace and central air conditioning was added to the church.
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