United Methodist Church (1870-?)
The Clarksburg Methodist Church in 2018
From Clarksburg Missouri 1882-1984:
The history of this organization begins with the present church which was built in 1870 as a union church in which three denominations held services. It is now used by the Methodists only.
The building committee consisted of William C. Lloyd, F. M. Anthony, John Mills, Oliver Pizer and Elijah Gibson.
The Methodist Church met in homes then began having services in the Union Church building in 1894.
The first 13 members organized in 1883 were S. B. Thompson, Lou Thompson, John Hill, H. L. Clark, Alice Clark, W. G. Hickman, Sadie Hickman, Susan Apieler, M. J. Gist, James Winebrenner, Mary Frances Winebrenner, James Renfrow and Susan Renfrow. . .
In 1968, the Evangelical United Brethren and the Methodists were united. Rev. John Kerr is our present [1984] pastor, we have worship service the first, third and fifth Sundays at 9:00 and Sunday School at 10:00 every Sunday.
At the time the ladies of the church worked very hard to keep things going, quilting, making articles to sell, bake sales, chicken pie suppers and annual affairs always a big crowd coming from other town around, to enjoy the good food cooked and furnished by members and friends. It was a lot of work but an enjoyable time in our homes. We didn't have other entertainment so we were happy to have our friends, children and adults alike get together for Easter egg hunts, picnics and watermelon feasts. We still have a good time together.
The church board at the present is Sue Bet Douglas, Chairman; Ruth Hodges, Secretary; Hilton Douglas, Treasurer; Hilton Douglas, Trustee; Keith Powell, Trustee; and Willard Vaughan, Trustee.
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