Mt Zion Methodist Church (1870-2019/2020)
305 S Randolph, California
The Mt Zion Methodist Church in California was established in 1870 according to a sign in front of the church building.
The building disappeared at some point between June 2019 and June 2020 based on Google Earth images.
In the Loyal Missourian:
Listed R Bush as pastor and L H Reynolds as superintendent from April 21, 1880 to April 6, 1881
Listed R Bush as pastor and Milton Wood, superintendent from April 13, 1881 - June 22, 1881
Listed R Wilson as pastor and Milton Wood, superintendent from June 29, 1881 - February 15, 1882
Listed John Hill as pastor and Milton Wood, superintendent from February 22, 1882 - end of December, 1882 when it ceased publication
In the May 6, 1886 California Democrat:
The colored Methodists have been holding a revival at their Church for some time past, and as a result of the meetings, two converts were immersed in Griner's pond west of town, Sunday afternoon and several were baptized by sprinkling at the Church in the morning. The baptizing at the pond was witnessed by a large congregation.
In the June 10, 1886 California Democrat:
The members of the colored Methodist Church have concluded to tear down their old Church building and erect a new one in its stead on the same ground. Of course this takes money, and this week several members of this Church were soliciting subscriptions from our citizens to aid in carrying out the work.
From Goodspeed's 1889 History of Cole, Moniteau, etc Counties, Missouri:
On page 377 under California it states: The religious organizations comprise the Baptist, Catholic, Christian, German Evangelical Lutheran, German Lutheran, the two divisions of Methodists and Presbyterian, with one colored Baptist and two colored Methodist societies.
In the Feb 11, 1910 Tipton Times:
Death of a Colored Minister
Rev. Green Yenout, died at the colored parsonage in California Saturday night, February 6, 1910, of dropsy of the heart, aged 59 years. The remains were shipped to Springfield, Mo, Monday and enterred [sp] in the colored cemetery there. Deceased was pastor of the colored M. E. Church of this city and at California. He came to this charge from Springfield, Mo. A wife is left to mourn her loss.
In the May 2, 1912 California Democrat:
Death of a Colored Preacher
Rev. Samuel Warren Hawkins, who has been pastor of the colored Methodist church in this city for the past few years died at his home in this city Tuesday evening, aged about 52 years. He was born in Johnson county and was buried in Dresden today. He leaves a wife and four children and was a member of the Knights of Pythias.
In the Oct 11, 1917 California Democrat:
African Missionary Spoke Here
Prof. Madarikan Denigi, grandson of Balogun Ijemo, chief of the Yoruha Tribe in Nigeria from the west coast of Africa, spoke at the Colored Methodist Church Tuesday night on Missions. There were only a few in attendance. The admission was ten cents . The missionary was dressed in a white robe with a white cap which he says is the style where he is from. He will be back in the near future
In the December 1, 1917 Moniteau County Herald:
Helping the Colored Folks
The Epworth League of the Methodist Church deserves much credit for its efforts to help the congregation of colored Methodists by such meetings as the session of the young people's society which the Epworth Leaguers conducted for the colored people of the colored Methodist Church recently. The colored people are on the upgrade; the church having conducted church fairs during the past two Thanksgiving seasons and there being much interest in the affairs of the organization.
With the help and encouragement of all the Christian people of California, the small number of colored people here will continue on the upgrade. There is plenty of work for all of them here and nearly all of them are industrious; you see very few negroes loafing. But people are too much inclined to turn the colored man over to the lower elements of the community. This lines up nearly all the colored folks on the side which does not stand for advancement and the things which make for a better California. This same condition is true in almost every part of the country. Yet with reasonable encouragement the negro makes wonderful progress toward a higher plane.
In the August 4, 1921 Moniteau County Herald:
Twenty-fifth Annual Conference Held at the California Church this Week
The twenty-fifth annual session of the Sedalia District Conference, Epworth League, Sunday School and the Women's Missionary Society of the Negro Methodist Church is being held at the Calfiornia church this week. The ladies of the church have a tent and are cooking and serving free meals to the delegates and caring for lodging at their homes. There are about 60 delegates and about thirty churches are represented. there is an elaborate seven day program, commencing Monday and continuing over Sunday. Many distinguished ministers are present, some of them white church workers. the sessions are enlivened by some very fine music. Sunday morning there will be a model Sunday School conducted by Prof. Andrew Cravens of Fayette and other special features to close the session.
In 2012:
Listed in the Area Church Services section of California Democrat as having worship every 2nd and 4th Sundays at 9:00 a.m. Rev. Aaron S. Madondo, pastor.
If anyone has information on this church, please contact Alan Sparks.
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Last modified:
February 16, 2024