Moniteau County Missouri

Historical Society Library

The Historical Society Genealogical Library is OPEN every Friday and Saturday from 1-4 p.m. during April through October.

Moniteau County Historical Society
201 N. High
California, MO 65018

SPECIAL REQUEST: If you write the Historical Society for information please mention in your letter that you found them on the Moniteau County web site.

Brief History of the Moniteau County Historical Society

In November 1966, Mr. Perry Wilson, a retired railroad man, appointed a committee of men and women representing all towns and communities in the county to investigate the possibility of organizing the Moniteau County Historical Society.

A meeting was scheduled for Sunday, November 27, 1966 in California. The following communities were represented: High Point, Latham, Fortuna, Tipton, Jamestown, Lupus, California, McGirk, and Clarksburg.

A suggested constitution and by-laws were drawn up by Mr. Wilson and read by Attorney John Kibbe. They were adopted and those present agreed upon annual dues of $1 per year (in 1966).

Mrs. Lloyd Tising, High Point was issued the first membership. The charter membership was 211 by January 16, 1967.


Fees and conditions of searches


Please email the library for information on a free preliminary check of common sources located in the Historical Society Library.


If more extensive research is desired, please email the library for a quote of rates and conditions.


Responses to email requests will be answered within 2-3 days depending on staffing of the library.


Current Publications for sale through the Historical Society Library


Price at Library

Price Mailed

Moniteau County History Book (2000, Hardbound)



Index of 1980 History Book with Family names (Spiral bound)



History of Moniteau County Schools - Fletcher (softbound, photos)



Moniteau County Fair Book - Centennial book, 1966 (stapled, soft cover)



Moniteau County Fair Book - Quasquicentennial book, 1991 (stapled, soft cover)



Arthur Simmons, American Icon of the Horse World,

A Daughter's Memories, Vol. 1 by Jane Simmons

$33.00 $39.00

1876 Moniteau County Atlas - reproduction



1900 Moniteau County Atlas - reproduction
Includes new copies of maps and an index!



1920 Moniteau County Atlas - reproduction $20.00 $25.00

Adolph Meyer's 1887/88 Business Directory



Index to History of Moniteau County, 1936 by J. E. Ford (stapled booklet) $10.00 $13.00
Twenty Years at Hooper Institute - reproduction (stapled) $5.00 $8.00
1890 Personal Tax Book, list of names (stapled) $3.00 $6.00

19th Century Homes & Sites (Stapled booklet)



A Pinch of This & Dash of That (Recipe Book)



The Farm, First hand account of farm life in Missouri (softbound, illustrated) $10.00 $14.00

Miller Family Farm Journal, 1915, diary of everyday rural life (spiral bound, photos)



Meda & Lydia Miller Farm Journal, 1916, (spiral bound)



U.S. Civilian Conservation Corps (booklet)



2009 Cemetery Walk Pamphlet (stapled sheets) $1.00 $3.00

2010 Cemetery Walk Pamphlet (stapled sheets)





Community Histories


Publication Price At Library Price Mailed
High Point (softbound) $20.00 $27.50
Jamestown (Sesquicentennial, 1837-1987, hardbound) $30.00 $37.50
Jamestown (175th Anniversary, 1837-2012, hardbound) $45.00 $52.50
Jamestown (175th Anniversary, 1837-2012, softbound) $30.00 $37.50
As I Remember Sandy Hook (booklet) $3.00 $6.00
An Illustrated History of Tipton, Missouri (1858-2008, hardbound) $55.00 $62.50



Cemetery Records


Publication Price At Library Price Mailed
Vol. I: Linn Township $15.00 $19.00
Vol. II: Walker Township $15.00 $19.00
Vol. III: Burris Fork, Harrison and Pilot Grove Townships $15.00 $19.00
Vol. IV: Willow Fork and Moreau Townships $15.00 $19.00



Scripts and Audio Tapes of Radio Program "Life and Times in Moniteau County"


Script or Audio Tape Price at Library Price Mailed

Vols. I, II, III, IV, &V (Each)

Set of all 5 Vols.





Vols. I & II (Large Print-ea.)

Set of 2 Vols. (Large Print)





Audio Tape - Vol. I $3.00 $6.00
Audio Tape - Vol. II $3.00 $6.00
Audio Tape - Vol. III $3.00 $6.00





Product Price at Library Price Mailed
Postcards (Moniteau Co. Courthouse, Maclay Home - various scenes) 25¢ ea. or 5/$1.00 $1.25 ea. or 5/$2.00
History in Art note cards (various sets, each set has 4 scenes/8 note cards) $2.00 $4.00
Troop 120 Boy Scouts 50 Year History 1940-1990, California $5.00 $9.00
Fish and Game Recipe Book, Mo. Conservation Agents $5.00 $9.00


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Copyright © 1997- Alan Sparks - Moniteau County MOGenWeb, All Rights Reserved.
Last modified: March 15, 2025