Moniteau County, Missouri

History Book Order Form

____ Copy(ies) of the 2000 History of Moniteau County and Families, Volume II at $25 each.

____ Free History of Moniteau County Schools OR _____ Listing of Linn Township Cemeteries


Order the 2000 History of Moniteau County book and receive

FREE History of Moniteau County Schools ($7.50 value) OR Listings of Linn Township Cemeteries ($15 value)


We have sold out of the 1980 Moniteau County History Book and they are no longer available from the Moniteau County Historical Society.

Name ______________________________________

Address ____________________________________


City _______________________________________

State______________________ Zip _____________

Email address _______________________________

Please include payment with order.

                                                         Sub-Total of order   $ __________

                   Postage is $7.50 per book ($12 for special)   $ __________

                                    GRAND TOTAL ENCLOSED:  $ __________

Orders may be mailed to:    Moniteau County Historical Society
                                          201 North High Street
                                          California, MO 65018